The life, times, and random trash about mixed media artist michelle bernard
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I've gone to PinkBerry Land..
Yeah, I did it! I got a Blackberry... okay a Pinkberry! I really wasn't interested in getting a new phone, until they made the Blackberry in pink. It takes a little getting used to, but I really love a lot of the features: the calendar, memo pad, voice recorder, e-mail, internet, and so much more. And... it's PINK!
hi michelle - my friend, Mary Ellen, said she sat next to you last night at Molly's critque night and she felt that we should meet - that we have a lot in common and do similar art; so i am stopping by to say hi. i live in Wall, are you in Asbury? i'm in a little show in Pt. Pleasant on Saturday at Om Baby yoga studio on Arnold Ave (12-5) if you are out and need something to do (it's little though, but should be fun.
hi michelle - my friend, Mary Ellen, said she sat next to you last night at Molly's critque night and she felt that we should meet - that we have a lot in common and do similar art; so i am stopping by to say hi. i live in Wall, are you in Asbury? i'm in a little show in Pt. Pleasant on Saturday at Om Baby yoga studio on Arnold Ave (12-5) if you are out and need something to do (it's little though, but should be fun.
WOW, now that is a cool phone and its pink, that's what makes it even cooler!